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Greetings from CEO

Greetings from CEO PNAT inc., established in 2016, delivers our best specialties in manufacturing products and
provides best services to our clients. Since 19XX, we have been a leading group in automated equipment systems
for semiconductor Industry. In PNAT inc, we continue to pursuit innovation with value-oriented R&D and com-
petitive quality improvement which enables us to guarantee ultimate satisfaction to our clients.

PNAT inc. always put our priority to clients satisfaction, human-oriented working environment, and value-
oriented innovation. We appreciate our partnership with you.
경영이념-고객만족,인재중심,윤리가치,미래창소 / 경영목표 및 전력-품질경영,기술경영,인재경영,퓨쳐마케팅경영,변화혁신경영